

ASPRINIO is the most recognizable among the wines of Campania. The typical area of production and cultivation of ASPRINIO is the plain north of Naples. There are numerous documents that testify the production of ASPRINIO dating back to the 1400s. One of the most important document dating back to the 1495s, is the rental contract of a farm of six lodges in the district of Caivano. This contract provided for the supply to the owner of two jars of wine, a jar of ASPRINIO ,a jar of verdesca and the renewal of black grapes with greenish and asprinie grapes. Another important document dating back to the 1584s, reports the yield of 332 ducats for the production of 103 wine barrels.


The popular tradition traces the production of asprinio back to the early 1500s. Luis XII of Valais , king of France, called “father of people”, imported from France a certain quantity of vines and making them put in the lands of Caserta obtained asprinio.


This typical Neapolitan product had caught the attention of Murat’s wife and the Queen Carolina wrote in a letter: “this is the promised land in the countryside you see festoons of vines attached to the trees with scattered bunches of grapes more beautiful than those that the Jews brought to Mose. I hope what I tell you inspires you to see this country, it’s worth making five hundred to see it.”


The vine has a much older origin dating back to the Etruscans. Still today It is raised on monumental trees, this system takes the screws to climb up to 15 meters high, providing impressive green barriers full of clusters, that must be collected on very high stairs.



Columella writes in this way: “Before the tree has taken all its strength, it will also be necessary to plant the vine.If a still elm was married, he could not bear the weight,if then the vine is given to an old elm it will kill its bride”

“Of Rustic things or theorectical agriculture”.

Onorati Columella was a franciscan friar and pioneer of agricultural reforms.He wanted to add the second name Columella in honor of the classic author of the De Rustica.



Amedeo Maiuri, italian archaeologist writes:these are the fields of the exalted vines of Pliny,materially embraced at the high poplars,the fields of the most fertile grapes of must and shrub wine, as if from that tenacious grasp to those serious and sustained trunks, a little wooden mood could fall into the juice of wine.


The tree dates back to ancient times, in an early Christian text of the second century “The pastor of Erma” one can read:Going through the field and observing an elm and a vine I meditated on it and their fruits. The shepherd appeared to me and told me:Meditate on the elm and on the vine?The vine bears fruit and the elm is a fruitless tree.But if the vine does not rise above the elm it cannot bear fruit in abundance lying on the ground.The fruit that then brings if not suspended to the elm rots.The vine that twists to the elm produces fruit on its part and on the part of the elm.”

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